Polski English
Maćkowiak-Pandera J.
Assessment of the impact of highways on biotopes and landscape: is there an international methodological model?
Abstract: The article describes the Polish and German experience in the assessment of the environmenta­limpact of highways (highway EIA). In the first part of the paper,a short analysis of experience of the two countries in this area will be presented. The second part will present the results of the assessment of environ­mental impact conducted based on the so-called German methodological model of EIA for biotopes and the landscape in the area near the designed A2 highway’s intersection with Łagowski Landscape Park (ŁLP).
Key words: highway, Environmental Impact Assessment, landscape, biotop, research methods, landscape park

Suggested citation: Maćkowiak-Pandera J. 2007. Assessment of the impact of highways on biotopes and landscape: is there an international methodological model? In: B. Jackowiak (ed.). Influence of Transport Infrastructure on Nature. General Directorate of National Roads and Motorways, p. 65-73. Warszawa-Poznań-Lublin.
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