Polski English
Hlaváč V.Ą. & Anděl P.
Habitat fragmentation and fauna mortality caused by traffic in the Czech Republic.
Abstract: An intensive research program connected with physical controls of all highway bridges over the whole Czech Republic was carried out between 1998-2003. A large number of sectors (70%), significant for roe deer migration, remain completely impassable. Many sectors of highways and motorways present an entirely impassable barrier for large animals such as red deer and moose. Seven sections on the highway network of the Czech Republic were identified as critical forbig mammals.
Key words: highway network, fauna mortality, habitat fragmentation, fauna passages, Czech Republic

Suggested citation: Hlaváč V.Ą. & Anděl P. 2007. Habitat fragmentation and fauna mortality caused by traffic in the Czech Republic. In: B. Jackowiak (ed.). Influence of Transport Infrastructure on Nature. General Directorate of National Roads and Motorways, p. 109-112. Warszawa-Poznań-Lublin.
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